Be Like the Shepherds

It was a quiet night. Being outside the small town, the shepherds could see the infinite number of stars spread out across the sky. They seemed to be sprinkled into patterns and movements that communicated messages bigger than their comprehension allowed. After all, shepherds were considered second class citizens and therefore, incompetent. Their society viewed them with the same scathing opinion as tax collectors and dung sweepers.

Maybe you feel as though, in relation to God, you’re a second-class citizen. You feel like you’re incompetent to read and understand The Bible. Maybe society has put labels on you that are scathing and hurtful opinions.

The shepherds enjoyed being together, away from the society that hated them so; but needed their product. They understood one another. The evenings were the best, when the sheep had been placed in their pens. They would sit by the fire, quietly telling stories, sharing their lives with one another.
Sometimes the stories made them laugh. Sometimes the stories made them become quiet as they could relate to the pain that no words can comfort. As the fire dwindled down, they gently drifted off to that place of not quite asleep, but not awake, so they were aware enough to be able to protect their flock.

Maybe you have found yourself in a place where your relationships are strained and you wish you could run out of town. Or maybe you have run out of town. Maybe you enjoy being around people who are exactly like you and have had similar experiences because those people are the only ones who get you.

It was just like every other night, day after day, month after month, year after year. The shepherds closed their eyes, listening to the last of the fire crackle and the soft bleating of their flocks. Then, it happened. Maybe it was a blinding light. Maybe it was a flash. Maybe it was both. But when they closed their eyes there was nothing there, and then there was glorious light enveloping them as the angel appeared. Terror, panic, and angst ran through their veins as they didn’t know what was happening or what to do.

Maybe your life was the same day after day, month after month, and year after year. But something suddenly happened that enveloped your life, and you have terror, angst, and panic coursing through your veins, and you don’t know what is happening or what to do.

The angel speaks, addressing their fear, stating that the purpose of the visit is to bring, “good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11 NIV. Their minds must have been racing. Maybe they thought they were dreaming. God hasn’t spoken in 400 years. How could the Messiah be born? Am I hearing this right?

Maybe you had an experience with God you can’t make sense of. You have questions. You contemplate whether it happened. That thing that immediately comes to your mind that gives you such hope and joy.

Maybe you had an experience with God you can’t make sense of. You have questions. You contemplate whether it happened. That thing that immediately comes to your mind that gives you such hope and joy and makes you feel alive; but is immediately followed by doubt and questions. Maybe you don’t know what comes next.

This story reminds us that God came down to us. He didn’t expect us to come up to Him. And even more phenomenal, is that God came to announce the arrival of salvation to a class of citizens that were looked upon very unfavorably. This shows the beautiful heart of God; that He would send His angel and “a great company of the heavenly host (Luke 2:13 NIV),” to those considered the least of these. His salvation is for ALL people, regardless of their background, status, situation, ethnicity, or profession.

 His salvation is for you too.

The shepherds respond to this bewildering experience by going to see the Messiah they had been told about. They knew what to look for. Shepherds would wrap lambs tightly after their birth to keep them perfect for the sacrifice. How astonishing that God, not only announced the arrival of His son to the least of these, but also ordained in His sovereignty that the sign to recognize The Savior was the same practice these Shepherds engaged in for their own sacrificial lambs. He was inviting them into His story and into a relationship with Him. They were never invited anywhere. But the Creator of the universe enveloped them in His presence and embraced them just as they were: broken yet beautiful and loved.

The shepherds see The Savior and tell everyone about their experience. Nothing in their circumstances had changed, but they had encountered The Savior who changes everything internally. That’s what Jesus does. He brings revival to dead souls. And that revival comes to ALL people, regardless of their background, status, situation, ethnicity, or profession.

His revival is for you too.

Maybe you have forgotten your joy and excitement from your first encounter with The Savior. Maybe you haven’t experienced it yet. This Christmas season, I pray that we can take a moment, look up at the same sky those shepherds saw, be enveloped in God’s presence, and embrace His salvation. May Jesus bring revival to our souls and may we be like the shepherds, accepting it and telling everyone about His love.

Megan Sinisi absolutely adores a good cup of coffee, chocolate, and sitting with people to share life stories. She is a native to Las Vegas, born and raised, and has four beautiful children with her handsome husband, Vincenzo. She is a counselor, specializing in the field of addictions, with multiple certifications, both in Nevada and nationally. She directed Nevada’s largest treatment court and has been building her private practice since 2014, acquiring contracts with the City of Las Vegas, City of Henderson, Clark County Special Defender’s Office, and It is because of her own journey of healing and through her career that she has learned the wounds we have can begin to be healed as we share our stories. She considers it an honor when someone shares their story with her, and hopes that as she shares her stories of victory and healing that others can be inspired, encouraged, and challenged. Megan has a love and fervor for writing and is walking in faith that God is calling her to use that passion and gift for His glory. She is someone who is known for her honesty and transparency that brings light to difficult situations and feelings, and offers hope and encouragement for the journey of life. It is her hope that by sharing her journey, it encourages, challenges, inspires, comforts, and most importantly, shines the light of Jesus and the reality of His love, grace, and mercy. You can find more from Megan at And @meganjsinisi on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.


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