Revive My Worship


It is the understatement of the century to say “this world be crazy.” In a moment of raw transparency, life has been extremely rough. From the macro level of seeing the tension of politics and moral debates in society, to trying to process what has happened in my own life and family, it has been too much to bear at times. The physical tectonic plates of the world collide with one another to create horrific earthquakes; while the emotional and mental tectonic plates of my heart and mind also slam into each other, creating waves of anxiety, sadness, confusion, and anger within me. I lay awake in the middle of most nights, with a heaviness on my chest and tears streaming my face. I feel so helpless, as my life and the world in which we live, are spinning out of control. 

There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). One can see the several cycles of the world if they study history. On one hand, knowing this can bring me comfort. On the other, it can add to my intense emotions and anxious thoughts. What is one to do with all of this swirling around inside me? My go-to response is to withdraw from everyone, including God. However, isolation is not the answer nor is it how we were created to be. So, while there are many avenues, I have taken to help me in this season, there is one thing that settles the storm inside me like nothing else. 


One way of defining worship is to know God truly and treasure Him. It is also defined as ceremonies and prayers to express gratitude, petition needs, and lavish my reverent love and devotion to God. But that can be difficult if I am suffering mental and emotional turmoil from the storms of life.   

The stories of Jesus found in Matthew 14 are well known. There is so much in this chapter, and many have shared wonderful nuggets from this section of scripture.  But there are a few things that God has reminded me of while studying Jesus in these accounts: 

  1. Jesus was in the midst of an emotional storm.

In the beginning of the chapter, Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, is executed by King Herod. There is so much emotion one experiences in the grief and loss of someone they care about. Jesus’ response? He goes into a boat to a secluded place to spend time with His Father. In the midst of His emotion Jesus went directly to His Father in heaven to spend time with Him, and Him alone. He treasured His presence and needed His comfort, wisdom, and encouragement. Do I go to God when I am in the midst of an emotional storm? I wish I could say I do 100% of the time. But I don’t. Sometimes I go to chocolate. Or my friends. Or my husband. Or vegging out on my phone or TV. But none of those things help me in the midst of my storm. Coming to God with my difficult emotions, thoughts, and trials is a beautiful and intimate expression of worship. 

  1. Jesus served others when He returned from the boat.

Most times, when I spend time with Jesus, I want to cling to that experience for as long as I can. I think, “Don’t rush back into life. Savor this. Hold on to this experience for as long as possible.” While I should hold onto the things I experience with Jesus; life shouldn’t diminish them, but reinforce their truth. Jesus came back from the boat to find many people needing a touch from Him. What Jesus doesn’t say is, “Hey guys. I’m going through a difficult time right now. Can you give me some space so I can take a nap, then debrief and journal, and figure out what my next steps are? I just need to pray about this.” Now, I’m not saying taking a nap, asking for space, or debriefing and figuring out our next steps are wrong. God knows I love a good nap. But sometimes I really need to check my attitude when it comes to service. “This world be crazy” right now and there are many opportunities for me to serve. Asking God to provide an opportunity for me to serve is a beautiful and intimate expression of worship. 

  1. Jesus met the tangible needs of the people.

I fail as a Christian a lot of times because I am hyper focused on what I think someone might benefit from; rather than what would actually be helpful. Connecting with Jesus allows me to not be overwhelmed by the needs I see but to have an idea of what I can do. When Jesus came off the boat, He miraculously met the need of thousands and their physical hunger. I may not be a super star ministry leader; but I can pray for those that are in those positions. I may not be called to foster right now, but I can buy foster parents a coffee. I may not be able to travel on a mission trip, but I can support the missionaries I know by sending a care package. I am in awe of how God can give me an idea to serve someone, especially when I ask. When I am obedient to His leading, it is such a blessing to the one receiving, even if it is a “small thing.” Asking God how to tangibly serve someone is a beautiful and intimate expression of worship. 

As always, when I study the life and ways of Jesus, I find I can live a life pleasing to Him. “This world be crazy” right now, but despite the difficulties, emotions, and thoughts, I can still worship my Creator through coming to Him and serving others by meeting tangible needs. I want my life to echo Jesus and be a beautiful and intimate expression of worship to my God. 

Megan Sinisi absolutely adores a good cup of coffee, chocolate, and sitting with people to share life stories. She is a native to Las Vegas, born and raised, and has four beautiful children with her handsome husband, Vincenzo. She is a counselor, specializing in the field of addictions, with multiple certifications, both in Nevada and nationally. She directed Nevada’s largest treatment court and has been building her private practice since 2014, acquiring contracts with the City of Las Vegas, City of Henderson, Clark County Special Defender’s Office, and It is because of her own journey of healing and through her career that she has learned the wounds we have can begin to be healed as we share our stories. She considers it an honor when someone shares their story with her, and hopes that as she shares her stories of victory and healing that others can be inspired, encouraged, and challenged. Megan has a love and fervor for writing and is walking in faith that God is calling her to use that passion and gift for His glory. She is someone who is known for her honesty and transparency that brings light to difficult situations and feelings, and offers hope and encouragement for the journey of life. It is her hope that by sharing her journey, it encourages, challenges, inspires, comforts, and most importantly, shines the light of Jesus and the reality of His love, grace, and mercy. You can find more from Megan at And @meganjsinisi on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.


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